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Rabu, 05 Desember 2012


Pada hari rabu minggu lalu , kelas XI IPS 2 melakukan praktek tata boga . Atau yang lebih dikenal dengan masak memasak :D . di kelompok ini ada imaak , cimuik , kacak , cilaa , miji , dan bimbim . Kelompok aku buat kroket kentang isi keju nih .

Kentang (dikukus dan dihaluskan) 500 gram 

Susu bubuk 3 sendok makan
Kuning Telur 1
Merica Halus ½ sendok teh
Pala Halus ¼ sendok teh
Keju dipotong ½ x ½ x 3 cm 125gram
Garam secukupnya
Tepung Panir (Tepung roti) 500 gram
Telur 1 butir
Minyak goreng
1. Campur kentang susu,kuning telur, merica, pala dan garam lalu aduk sampai rata.
Bentuk bulat panjang kecil-kecil (+ 3 cm ).
2. Setelah diisi dengan sepotong keju, lumuri dengan tepung panir (tepung roti).
Goreng dalam minyak panas sampai masak dan warnanya kecoklatan.
Hidangkan panas-panas dengan saos 

kesan waktu praktek nya gimana yaah ? :D walaupun sedikit ada kendala tapi lancar deh semuaanya .
kroket kentang isi keju nya WOW bangeeeet .
mari katakan BOGA WOW :D sekian dulu yaa , muuci cemuua =)

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

kota bukittinggi

Bukittinggi is one city in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. The city was once the capital of Indonesia during the Emergency Government of the Republic of IndonesiaBukittinggi formerly known as Fort de Kock and was once dubbed as Parijs van besides Sumatra city of Medan. The city is the birthplace of some of the founders of the Republic of Indonesia, among them Mohammad Hatta and Assaat each is proclaimed and the acting president of the Republic of Indonesia.Aside from being a city of struggle, Bukittinggi is also known as a tourist city air is cool, and siblings (sister city) with Seremban in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The whole area is directly adjacent to the city of Agam regency. Visited tourist spot is the Clock Tower, which is a similar to Big Ben clock tower located in the heart of the city as well as a symbol for the city that is on the edge of a valley called Canyon Sianok.The development of tourism is one of the leading sectors for the city of Bukittinggi. Many exciting attractions, making the city was dubbed the "city of temples". Today in the town of Bukittinggi there have been around 60 hotels and 15 travel agencies. [33] hotels located in the city such as The Hills Bukittinggi (formerly Novotel), Hotel Pusako, and recently also built Rocky.Sianok canyon is one of the main attractions. Panorama Park is located in the town of Bukittinggi allows tourists to view the scenic beauty of the canyon Sianok. In the park there is also a cave Panorama former Japanese soldier hiding during World War II called the Hole Japang.In the garden there is a replica Bundo Kanduang Tower House which serves as a museum of Minangkabau culture. Dublin Zoo and the fort Fort de Kock, connected by a pedestrian bridge called the Bridge Limpapeh. Limpapeh pedestrian bridge above the road A. Yani which is the main road in the city of Bukittinggi.Ateh Market (Upper Market) located adjacent to the Clock Tower which is the center of the city. In the market there are many sellers Ateh crafts and embroidery, [34] as well as snacks souvenirs typical of West Sumatra, such as chips Sanjai (cassava chips ala Sanjai area in Dublin) is made from cassava, karupuak jangek are made from cowhide or buffalo, and kaliang characteristic, a kind of typical Bukittinggi snacks shaped like the number 8. Currently, he also has built several modern shopping center in the city of Bukittinggi.

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Sekolah tercinta , SMA NEGERI 1 BUKITTINGGI


SMA Negeri 1 Bukittinggi adalah sekolah menengah atas tertua di kota Bukittinggi yang berdiri pada tanggal 23 Juli 1959. Sekolah ini terletak di jalan Syekh M. Jamil Jambek No. 36 (Lanbouw), kelurahan Pakan Kurai, Bukitinggi dan merupakan rintisan sekolah bertaraf internasionalyang dimulai sejak tahun 2006 dan termasuk 5 SMA R-SMABI pertama Di Indonesia.Pada tahun 1957, SMA Negeri 1 Bukittinggi awalnya merupakan bagian dari SMA ABC yang berlokasi di Birugo, tepatnya di lokasi SMA Negeri 2 Bukittinggi saat ini. Sejak tahun1958 lokasi sekolah tersebut dipindahkan ke jalan Syekh M. Jamil Jambek No. 36 (Lanbouw) Bukittinggi, dan bangunannya benar-benar siap untuk digunakan pada tahun1959 .

  Sekolah ini memiliki gedung utama yang terdiri dari 3 lantai yang dibuat pada masa penjajahan Belanda . Sekolah ini memiliki 32 ruang kelas yang diantara nya 8 ruang kelas X , 9 ruang kelas XI, 11 ruang kelas XII dan 2 ruang kelas akselerasi .  

  SMA Negeri 1 Bukittinggi memiliki beberapa bidang ekstrakurikuler antara lain :

  • FSI ( Forum Study Islam )
  • SISPALA ( Siswa Pecinta Alam )
  • PMR ( Palang Merah Remaja )
  • LCC UUD 1945
  • Karya Tulis Ilmiah 
  • dll
  Sekian dulu mengenai sekolah tercinta SMA NEGERI 1 BUKITTINGGI :)